122 research outputs found

    Corporate cash holdings: Evidence from a different institutional setting

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    This paper investigates the determinants of Swiss non-financial firms’ cash holdings over the 1995 to 2004 period. The median Swiss firm holds almost twice as much cash and cash equivalents as the median UK or US firm. Our results indicate that there is a negative relationship between asset tangibility and cash holdings and a non-linear relationship between leverage and cash holdings. Dividend payments are positively related to cash reserves. However, there is no robust impact of firm size on cash. We also cannot detect a significantly positive relationship between growth opportunities (measured by the marketto- book ratio) and cash holdings, suggesting that the financing hierarchy theory is of little importance for the liquidity planning of Swiss firms. Dynamic panel estimation reveals that Swiss firms adjust their cash holdings only slowly towards an endogenous target cash ratio. Looking at a firm’s corporate governance structure, we reveal a non-linear relationship between managerial ownership and cash holdings, indicating an incentive alignment effect and an opposing effect related to increasing risk aversion. Finally, our results indicate that firms where the CEO at the same time serves as the COB hold significantly more cash.Cash holdings, corporate governance, dynamic adjustment.

    Corporate cash holdings: Evidence from a different institutional setting

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    This paper investigates the determinants of Swiss non-financial firms’ cash holdings over the 1995 to 2004 period. The median Swiss firm holds almost twice as much cash and cash equivalents as the median UK or US firm. Our results indicate that there is a negative relationship between asset tangibility and cash holdings and a non-linear relationship between leverage and cash holdings. Dividend payments are positively related to cash reserves. However, there is no robust impact of firm size on cash. We also cannot detect a significantly positive relationship between growth opportunities (measured by the market-to-book ratio) and cash holdings, suggesting that the financing hierarchy theory is of little importance for the liquidity planning of Swiss firms. Dynamic panel estimation reveals that Swiss firms adjust their cash holdings only slowly towards an endogenous target cash ratio. Looking at a firm’s corporate governance structure, we reveal a non-linear relationship between managerial ownership and cash holdings, indicating an incentive alignment effect and an opposing effect related to increasing risk aversion. Finally, our results indicate that firms where the CEO at the same time serves as the COB hold significantly more cash

    Spin-Waves in the Mid-Infrared Spectrum of Antiferromagnetic YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.0_{6.0}

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    The mid-infrared spin-wave spectrum of antiferromagnetic YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.0_{6.0}\ was determined by infrared transmission and reflection measurements (\bbox{k} \!\! \parallel c) at T ⁣= ⁣10 ⁣T\!=\!10\!~K.\@ Excitation of single magnons of the optical branch was observed at Eop ⁣= ⁣178.0 ⁣E_{\text{op}}\!=\!178.0\!~meV.\@ Two further peaks at 346 ⁣346\!~meV ( ⁣1.94Eop\approx\!1.94\,E_{\text{op}}) and 470 ⁣470\!~meV ( ⁣2.6Eop\approx\!2.6\,E_{\text{op}}) both belong to the two-magnon spectrum. Linear spin wave theory is in good agreement with the measured two-magnon spectrum, and allows to determine the exchange constant JJ to be about 120 ⁣120\!~meV, whereas the intrabilayer coupling J12J_{12} is approximately 0.55J0.55\,J.Comment: 3 figures in uuencoded for

    Warum begeben Unternehmen Wandelanleihen?

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenuntersuchung unter deutschen, schweizerischen und österreichischen börsenkotierten Unternehmen über deren Motive zur Emission von Wandelanleihen vor. Die Antworten der Unternehmen bestätigen die Backdoor-Equity-Hypothese, wonach Unternehmen in der Emission von Wandelanleihen eine Möglichkeit sehen, ihr Eigenkapital mit geringen Informationskosten zu erhöhen. Die zusätzliche Flexibilität bei der Finanzierung zukünftiger Investitionsmöglichkeiten (Realoptionen), die sich bei einer Emission von Wandelanleihen ergibt, besitzt hingegen nur eine geringe Bedeutung. Bei einer detaillierten Auswertung der Antworten nach Unternehmensmerkmalen wie Unternehmensgrösse, Verschuldungsgrad, Dividendenpolitik und Wachstumschancen ergeben sich Inkonsistenzen, die darauf hindeuten, dass in der Finanzierungspraxis nach wie vor die Illusion eines „Free-Lunch“ nicht auszuschliessen ist. Insgesamt zeigen sich Ähnlichkeiten zu bisherigen Untersuchungen, die sich allerdings mehrheitlich auf US-Unternehmen beziehen

    Optical spectroscopy of (La,Ca)14Cu24O41 spin ladders: comparison of experiment and theory

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    Transmission and reflectivity of La_x Ca_14-x Cu_24 O_41 two-leg spin-1/2 ladders were measured in the mid-infrared regime between 500 and 12000 1/cm. This allows us to determine the optical conductivity sigma_1 directly and with high sensitivity. Here we show data for x=4 and 5 with the electrical field polarized parallel to the rungs (E||a) and to the legs (E||c). Three characteristic peaks are identified as magnetic excitations by comparison with two different theoretical calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to SCES 200

    Optical absorption spectra in SrCu_2O_3 two-leg spin ladder

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    We calculate the phonon-assisted optical-absorption spectra in SrCu_2O_3 two-leg spin-ladder systems. The results for two models proposed for SrCu_2O_3 are compared. In the model including the effects of a cyclic four-spin interaction, the shoulder structure appears at 978 cm^{-1} and the peak appears at 1975 cm^{-1} in the spectrum for polarization of the electric field parallel to the legs. In the other model which describes a pure two-leg ladder, the peak appears around the lower edge of the spectrum at 1344 cm^{-1}. The feature can be effective in determining the proper model for SrCu_2O_3.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PRB vol. 67 (2003

    Komplexe proximale Humerusfraktur beim alten Menschen: Winkelstabile Plattenosteosynthese vs. Hemiarthroplastik

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist ein direkter Vergleich der Schulterhemiarthroplastik (SHA) mit der winkelstabilen Plattenosteosynthese (WSPOS) beim alten Patienten mit komplexer proximaler Humerusfraktur. Patienten und Methoden: Zwischen 2003 und 2005 wurden alle Patienten (n=52, Alter ≥70Jahre) mit 3- und 4-Segment-Frakturen des proximalen Humerus, welche mit einer WSPOS (PHILOS®) versorgt wurden, prospektiv erfasst und nach einem Jahr mittels Constant-Score (CS), Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS) und radiologisch nachkontrolliert. Verglichen wurde die WSPOS mit einem historischen Kollektiv mit identischen Einschlusskriterien, welches zwischen 1995 und 1997 an der gleichen Institution mittels SHA versorgt wurde (n=59). Ergebnisse: Beide Patientenkollektive zeigten keine Unterschiede bezüglich Alter, Geschlechterverteilung und Frakturtypen. Der CS war signifikant besser für die WSPOS (median 71 vs. 41). Bezüglich Schmerzen zeigte sich im OSS kein Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen. In der WSPOS-Gruppe mussten signifikant mehr Revisionseingriffe durchgeführt werden (25% vs. 2%). Schlussfolgerung: Die WSPOS liefert beim alten Patienten, bei komplexen proximalen Humerusfrakturen deutlich bessere funktionelle Resultate, ist jedoch mit mehr Rezidiveingriffen behaftet. Die Selbständigkeit der Patienten kann bei beiden Operationsmethoden bei guter Schmerzfreiheit meist erhalten werde


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    Український народ у своїй історії має великий досвід духовного життя, бо з покоління в покоління передає набуті навички, що стали невід’ємною части-ною нашої національності. Але з кожним роком наше покоління, на жаль, втра-чає зв’язок з попередніми поколіннями. Тому, щоб зберегти традиції, націона-льні особливості, в різні часи різноманітні інститути, товариства, окремі дослі-дники намагались створити найоптимальнішу методику організації та прове-дення історико-краєзнавчих експедицій

    Fractional and Integer Excitations in Quantum Antiferromagnetic Spin 1/2 Ladders

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    Spectral densities are computed in unprecedented detail for quantum antiferromagnetic spin 1/2 two-leg ladders. These results were obtained due to a major methodical advance achieved by optimally chosen unitary transformations. The approach is based on dressed integer excitations. Considerable weight is found at high energies in the two-particle sector. Precursors of fractional spinon physics occur implying that there is no necessity to resort to fractional excitations in order to describe features at higher energies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures included, minor text changes, improved figure